The video is about how to expand the classroom to include communities on campus or in the city or in their neighborhoods. The speaker, Wendy Asplin, is a teacher with 30 years of experience at the University of Washington. She taught academic English for college prep and business English, but her favorite was whole language learning. In this video, she will share some of her experiences and ideas on how to expand the classroom. She believes that students at all levels struggle with confidence, and that we can help them build confidence by giving them opportunities to expand their communities and have new experiences. She will look at ways to expand the classroom to include communities on campus or in the city or in their neighborhoods, to apply what they’ve learned, to recognize where they can get help, or just to discover and fully experience where they live. She will also talk about how to help students navigate these spaces, such as the health center and the Counseling Center. She will also talk about how to encourage students to be independent and have new experiences, such as joining a club on campus or volunteering at a special event. She will also share a story about a student of hers who was transformed by his experiences outside of the classroom. She hopes that her ideas will be useful to teachers.